Sweet Tooth

Howdy Pandas,

Have you figured out what’s up with the mysterious call at the Beauty Salon yet? Ella and I were so close, but then we totally messed up.

I’m a bit embarrassed to talk about this, but…we ate all of Kamaria’s homemade cookies! There, I’ve said it… :oops:

We only really wanted to have a taste. But then it was so yummy, we thought ‘Ah, a second one won’t hurt”…

…and a third. Before we knew it, all the cookies were gone. We really feel bad about it and our tummies hurt, too. :(

Kamaria was really mad when she found out. She will have to get together all ingredients again before she can make more cookies. I hope it won’t be too late by then!

Is there something you can’t get enough of? Chocolate chip cookies or pancakes maybe?

Paws up for Panfu,

Ella and Max

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