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Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Cześć Pandy!

Ostatniej nocy spotkałem potwora… ale nie bójcie się! To był bardzo fajny potwór – prawdę mówiąc, taki potworek-przytulanka. Na imię ma Krunchi!

Kruchi to wyjątkowy potworek-przytulanka, mieszka na swojej własnej wyspie na Pacyfiku. Jednak nikt się tam nim nie opiekuje, dlatego wyruszył na Panfu na wakacje. Usłyszał o nas – Pandach – i zapragnął nas poznać.

Kruchi potrzebuje kogoś, kto się nim zajmie: codziennie go nakarmi i umyje, będzie się z nim bawić, a wieczorem położy go spać. Ja niestety nie mam czasu, muszę przyrządzać beztłuszczowe bio-algi…

Czy trzeba Cię jeszcze namawiać? Po prostu zaloguj się na Panfu i odwiedź mnie na plaży, a ja zapoznam Cię z Krunchi. A jeśli polubisz Krunchi, możesz mieć go w domu, a także na wszystkich smartfonach i tabletach. Odwiedź mnie razem z rodzicami: i

No to na razie, Pandy, do zobaczenia wkrótce. Czekam na was na plaży…

Wasz Bruno

Max and Ella on Tour

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Hiya Pandas,

How’s it going? Summer seems to be creeping closer only slowly this year. I couldn’t even sunbathe last week.

Me either. But I still bought a big bunch of ice lollies for the hot weather. I can put them all in the tub and take a bath in them…

Max, we’re talking about ice cream here!

Yup, I know – chocolate and strawberry.

But you can’t just lie in a tub full of ice cream?!

It’s lovely to relax and have some ice cream lying down somewhere! And I won’t overheat, either…

Typical Max, he he…

Pandas, Max and I wanted to tell you that we’re set to go travelling. We’re going to Brazil and we’ll stay there for a while. Don’t worry if you don’t hear from us – Brazil and its rain forests are gigantic, so we’ll probably be cut off from the outside world for days or even weeks on end.

I hope I won’t get lost again…

Don’t worry, Max – this time I’ll be with you and I’ll bring a compass and a map, too. No need to worry at all…
Max, what’s that gloopy stuff dripping from your suitcase? Did you put all your ice cream in there? Really??

Ah Ella, don’t be like that. I’ll need it on the flight to Brazil and it’s supposed to be really hot there at the moment…

Max, Max, Max…you really are a handful…
We have to get going. Our plane is leaving in a bit. Otherwise we’ll have to swim to Brazil…

Take care, Pandas!

Paws up for Panfu,

Ella and Max

Sweet Tooth

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Howdy Pandas,

Have you figured out what’s up with the mysterious call at the Beauty Salon yet? Ella and I were so close, but then we totally messed up.

I’m a bit embarrassed to talk about this, but…we ate all of Kamaria’s homemade cookies! There, I’ve said it… :oops:

We only really wanted to have a taste. But then it was so yummy, we thought ‘Ah, a second one won’t hurt”…

…and a third. Before we knew it, all the cookies were gone. We really feel bad about it and our tummies hurt, too. :(

Kamaria was really mad when she found out. She will have to get together all ingredients again before she can make more cookies. I hope it won’t be too late by then!

Is there something you can’t get enough of? Chocolate chip cookies or pancakes maybe?

Paws up for Panfu,

Ella and Max

Return of a mysterious quest

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Listen up, Pandas! I have an important message for you: Panfu is in danger! At least I think it is…

Are you sure??? :shock:

Yes!! No! Not really :???: …I was at the Beauty Salon, relaxing a bit today, when I overheard a very mysterious conversation. I was minding my own business, slices of cucumbers on my eyes, when I suddenly heard a shrill noise. Rrrrrrrring Rrrring. The phone! It wouldn’t stop ringing!! Nobody seemed to want to answer the phone at first, but when I was just about to pick the cucumber off my face, someone finally picked up.

Here’s what the Panda working at the Beauty Salon said:
„What do you mean, I wanted it this way??…Wh-wh-who are you? I think you have the wrong number. There’s nothing dangerous about the Beauty Salon!! Well, maybe if you’re on the tanning bed for too long…mmmmh yeah, there’s a suitcase here. Why?…Chocolate cookies?…But, but…I can’t bake!!!…Ah, you will call again tomorrow…heeeeelllo! Are you there??? Heeeellllooo!”

Ella, that sounds really dangerous!! And it’s somehow familiar, too…

I also thought it rang a bell. I kept racking my brain…but then it came to me: It’s the beginning of the quest “A mysterious call”.

Yaaay, we can play the quest again soon! Judging by the phone call, probably from tomorrow :) Make sure you check your Quest Book if you want to do something cool tomorrow.

Max and Ella

P.S. If you’re on the lookout for some spring decoration, keep checking the Surprise Machine this week! There’s a floor pillow in the shape of a water lily to be had. Lovely!

Time for new hats!

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Hiya Pandas,

How are you? Are you enjoying the spring-like weather? Luckily we haven’t really had a long winter this year. The snow on Panfu has melted already, too.

Yay, spring is around the corner!

In some places, spring has already sprung. I keep seeing the first few spring flowers in some gardens. Have you noticed them? My Pokopets are also feeling happier and want to go out for walks a lot more. :)

You should still be careful not to underestimate the current temperatures – you can get sick quite easily in these fresh temperatures. Don’t forget your hats! Just make sure your ears are warm. Lili has knit super cool hats that I can present you very exclusively today.

Cat Hats – Miaow!

Nightcaps – not only for sleepy heads! ;)

Classics – they go with just about anything!

The cool ones – with a message!

Do you know what YOLO and SWAG mean? That’s what it says on the two hats I like most. But before I put them on, I want to make sure I won’t embarrass myself. :roll:

Paws up for Panfu!
and Ella